Discovery Platform


Communicate, Connect and Coordinate​

During the first weeks of COVID, we witnessed limited support from overwhelmed government institutions. To fill this void, ad-hoc, hyper-local community efforts surfaced around resource management (for essential workers, small businesses, neighbors in need) but most lacked coordination and involved redundancy, and none effectively tracked real-time community needs and support at scale. What if communities were able to spread care faster than the virus?

We witnessed this again as protests and renewed cultural and social movements sparked across the globe. Activists and citizens alike need better tools for communication, coordination and engagement. FPL is deep in development to address these voids with a multi-purpose discovery platform. 

LeanOn is a new open-source discovery platform by activists, for activists to help them communicate, connect and coordinate better together, facilitate mutual aid, and bridge communication barriers for movement building.

The LeanOn engine is designed to optimize coordination and connection. It uses natural language processing to create smart recommendations to coordinate, connect and catalyze individual and organizational engagement through a real-time map with dynamic data visualizations that enable autonomous communities to track impact for needs assessment. Our machine learning algorithm helps grassroots organizers make predictions to prepare for future crisis management.